Enable employees to fulfill themselves in their job,
within the company and in society

At Pilot, we are committed to grow better together
Our collaborators are the first to write down PILOT’s story and to implement our social and environmental commitments. Priorities include fostering professional fulfillment, nurturing a cohesive corporate culture, and engaging them in CSR initiatives. Together, we strive to enhance our innovative, sustainable world.
Grow through respect
Provide the right working conditions for the personal & professional fulfilment of all our employees.
Professional equality
Our equality & inclusion policy aims to ensure equal working conditions for our collaborators, bringing together a diversity of talents.
95/100 on the Professional Equality index
Grow through improvement
Nurture talents and provide employees with opportunities to develop their skills and professional career.
Hiring with care
We take great care to recruit talents who embrace our values, providing them with the best possible orientation at PILOT.
24% of permanent hires were filled by internal promotion in 2023.
CSR in team's target
We have systematized the integration of environmental goals into all of our teams’s objectives.
Our top managers have CSR criteria integrated in their remuneration.
Grow through actions
Encourage our employees to contribute to our CSR commitments.
Our collaborators are the driving force of the success of our CSR strategy. To ensure that each of them can actively contribute, we take action to raise their awareness of sustainability issues, keeping our strong team spirit alive and enabling all to commit.
Keeping our team spirit alive
A strong team spirit is at the heart of our culture. Events like running races and regular sporting activities are one of the ways by.